
Announcing Our First “Likeable” Static Banner

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Uriah Kiser, a long time friend, customer and Publisher down at Potomac Local, sold the thing within minutes of us posting it in our Broadstreet customer Facebook group.

If you want to sell digital, you simply cannot compete with ad exchanges. That’s why you have to move away from static banner advertising. That’s something we wrote about in our (in)famous whitepaper, the one that got us a subpoena from Google and the Department of Justice in the antitrust trial taking place at the time of this writing. Editor and Publisher did a nice roundup here.

But sometimes the client wants to use creatives they already have. Fine. But what if we could add some fun to it — a reason for users to engage. It builds up social proof and gives a client a reason to stick around for the long run, collecting more likes.

So we invented the likeable banner ad. No, we didn’t invent the like, but you can be sure as hell that we invented the exploding hamburger and hot dog part. And yes, that part is configurable.

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