
Advertiser Assistance & Retention During the COVID-19 Outbreak

More than 500 publishers recently joined us for a webinar focused on advertiser retention and membership revenue during the COVID-19 outbreak.

All of our attendees reaffirmed their commitment to delivering more than ever to their business clients. If you missed out, we’ve decided to highlight some of the key takeaways from more than an hour of enlightening discussion among local publishing veterans.

Complete the form to download the key takeaways from the webinar and access the recording. Learn how to:

  • Respond to advertiser-publisher relationships being affected by the crisis.
  • Offer discounts and incentives to keep clients onboard.
  • Prioritize existing relationships to maintain a baseline of goodwill.
  • Shift to a paid online membership model to capitalize on the increased traffic.

If you’re feeling the impact of the current crisis related to COVID-19, download our summary guide and watch the replay to learn more.