Be a Part of the Story
The best thing you can do here is be honest and be yourself. I (Kenny) will tell you right now I already like you for who you really are way better than anything else.

This is not one of those black hole applications. After you're done filling it out, shoot a note over to (letting us know you submitted) and you'll hear back. And if for some reason you don't hear back within a business day, email us again and be rude about it (seriously) and it'll get our attention.

Two things will come of it: we'll see a potential use of your superpowers now and will start the conversation. Alternatively, we can't make it work right away, but we are tracking all of this in a spreadsheet, and will have you listed when the time is right.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone
Paste your LinkedIn URL or Resume (don't worry about the formatting)
In your best estimate, who are you and what do you stand for?
What's your superpower? Eg, what are you naturally good at, that you love doing?

This doesn't have to be a traditional "work" skill — just an area you've realized that you enjoy and that others have perhaps recognized or commented on.
Have you ever taken the Briggs Myers? If so, what was your personality type?
Check off the areas where you're really fucking good — this list reflects our current priorities
What is an "A player" to you?
What are a few of your favorite books and why?
How do you learn most effectively?
You're 100 years old. How did you spend your time and what mattered?
What kind of gig are you looking for? We're flexible for the right person.
How many hours are you available for on a weekly basis, and between what time ranges (US Eastern)?
How much would you need to get paid to make it something that really works for you? Either hourly, salary, monthly stipend, etc.
Why in the world would you want to work with a little NJ-based company like Broadstreet?
Record a 1-minute video introducing yourself and post a link to it here (private YouTube, dropbox, Google Drive share, etc)
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