With every Broadstreet account comes access to our entire ad format library. Formats include video, social media, slide ins, takeovers, you name it — some even cater to specific advertisers verticals such as real estate or healthcare.
But the point of our ad formats is to help you offer something to your potential advertisers that your competitors will not, or cannot. And since our ad format library was built on the suggestions and requests from our existing customers, you can be certain that if it’s helping win sales for them, it’s going to help win sales for you too.
Broadstreet’s ad formats are so easy to create that salespeople can whip them up them before a sales meeting. Instead of simply working off of a paper media kit, salespeople using Broadstreet can create sample ads for their client before the meeting, giving the client a powerful visual so they can it for themselves. This is one of the most effective strategies that Broadstreet customers use to move customers toward the proposal stage.
But that’s not all. By using something new and different, Broadstreet customers see a major increase in campaign engagement and click-through rates. Not only does the campaign look great, but it performs well, which always helps the renewal conversation. Click through rates are typically three to five times those of static banner ads.
While national publishers try to find ways to target their users and compete with giants like Google and Facebook and marginally increase campaign performance, Broadstreet customers find better ways to achieve big performance gains.